Mindray DP-15 Portable Ultrasound

Mindray DP-15 Portable Ultrasound

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    Mindray DP-15 Portable Ultrasound

    Powerful B/W System with Full Screen
    PW Doppler image of umbilical cord
    Power With the best-in-class combination of performance and ergonomic design, DP-15

    Enhanced Diagnostic Confidence

    • 12.1-inch high-definition LED
    • Full-Screen design for easy cleaning
    • 30-degree tilting angle adjustable monitor
    • Maximum 2 universal transducer connectors
    • User-friendly control panel with backlit
    • Light and compact design for extreme portability

    Streamlined Workflow

    • Powerful B/W System with Full Screen
    • Liver
    • Uterus
    • PW Doppler image of umbilical cord
    • Thyroid
    • Power With the best-in-class combination of performance and ergonomic design, DP-15

    Exceptional Ergonomic Design

    PW Doppler and Auto Trace reveal details of blood ow for a more comprehensive diagnosis Tissue Harmonic Imaging for enhanced contrast resolution iClear for Speckle Reduction Imaging, providing clear and sharp lesion contours IP (Image Processing) for fast image optimization 8-TGC assuring accurate image uniformity control